City of Chattanooga

City of Chattanooga

City of Chattanooga

City of Chattanooga

Usher Key To The City Event Recap

Usher Key To The City Event Recap

Usher Key To The City Event Recap

Usher Key To The City Event Recap

Telling the story of Usher receiving the key to the city.

Telling the story of Usher receiving the key to the city.

Telling the story of Usher receiving the key to the city.

Telling the story of Usher receiving the key to the city.


This video shows the day that Usher received the Key to the City of Chattanooga. This was shot in partnership with Dynamo Studios and its students.


Editor: William Vest
Partner: Dynamo Studios
Camera Operator: Kyle Delk
PA: Mikayla Lake
PA: Onica Rucker